Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This version of Psalm II from the Bay Psalm Book has certain differences and similarities with the version we are reading in class. 

The Bay Psalm Book starts off with "Why rage the Heathen furiously?". Already, that gives me the impression of a "Fire & Brimstone" sermon. The use of strong, aggressive words are found throughout the Bay Psalm. This version is considerably darker than the Robert Alter translation of Psalm II. Still, there is some "fire & brimstone" in our version as well. Controlling followers through fear is the way it was back in the 1640's. Ministers, Preachers and other religious leaders would scare followers in trying to do good. Followers or people in general, back then would probably be afraid of the consequences of doing wrong, they would be scared into doing good and following rules. This version of Psalm II would be a great example of controlling followers. 

There are still the same representation of the vain things people do, a master's "wrath", Zion depicted as a holy mountain or hill, the use of a rod to crush pottery (Why does God hate pottery so much?). Many of these elements are "found in translation", because they can provide visuals. 

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