Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Documental Rastafari

This documentary segment shows us a Rastafarian community in Saint Andrew/Nine Miles, Jamaica. From what we have watched, we see confirmation of what we learned and discussed in class.

Much of the 'System of Symbols' is present in the video. The colours on the houses/shacks are boldly painted in Ethiopia's colours (red, yellow and green). These houses are built in a small community on a mountain side (which could be symbolic of Ethiopia's colour green for the lush land). I didn't see to many heads with flowing dreadlocks, they were all wrapped up in red turbans. This is their version of a royal crown, this brings them closer to Ethiopia. The interviews show the language used by the Boboshanti Rastafarians. Still like other Jamaicans or other Rasta, their lingo is a broken English, still creating a separation from the rest of society. 

As was stated in class, a person can easily tell if a household is Rastafari by looking around and seeing the various symbols classified with Rasta. This community is all about religion, it dedicates itself to Rastafari. This Boboshanti community is almost like a monastery, constantly praying and going to church, more dedicated that some other communities. Many of the symbols seen in the video and mentioned here show what Rasta is all about. 

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